ICME-15 Scientific Program

The ICME-15 Scientific Program facilities our aim of an inclusive event where people who are passionate about mathematics and statistics education can come together and connect with like-minded colleagues from around the globe to create lasting local, regional, and global legacies in our field.

The Scientific Program features a variety of dynamic and interactive activities for Congress delegates. Whilst many of the program activities are managed by the IPC, ICME-15 includes several that are led by Congress delegates.

If you haven’t been to ICME before, take a look at the Program Highlights page

Formal ICME program activities

Plenary lectures

Plenary Lectures recognize substantial and continuing contributions to the growth of the field of Mathematics Education.

Plenary panels

Plenary panels promote the development of understanding between different communities of mathematics educators by opening up debate in a contested area of work in the field.

Survey Team Reports

Surveys emphasize new developments and progress on key themes or issues that have been emerging in the last three or four ICMEs by surveying the state-of-the-art in relation to the theme or issue. Teams will have a particular emphasis on identifying and characterizing important new knowledge, recent developments, new perspectives, and emergent issues.

Awardee Lectures

ICMI recognizes outstanding contributions to different aspects of the field of mathematics education through prestigious awards the Felix Klein Award, the Hans Freudenthal Award, and the Emma Castelnuevo Award. The Awards are presented at the Opening Ceremony, and the awardees are invited to present a lecture in a subsequent session.

Invited Lectures

Over 60 lectures will present the work and reflections of both established and emerging researchers from around the world.

National Presentations

A small set of countries or regions will highlight their achievements and challenges in mathematics education by presenting a snapshot of important areas of scholarship and work.

ICMI Study Reports

To report on, and thereby create interest in, the findings and outputs of each study in the series of ICMI Studies.

ICMI Affiliate Organization Activities

Delegate-led activities

Topic Study Groups

The set of Topic Study Groups (TSGs) provides a coverage of important topics in mathematics education. Each topic is an identifiable area of scholarship relevant to contemporary mathematics education. There is a balance between classic topics and completely new ones, but no intention to be fully comprehensive. The focus for each TSG is provided in the Description Paper developed at the start of the process. The work of each TSG is an opportunity for sharing insights and progress on the topic through the submission of papers, the discussion during the sessions, and the synthesis of a report and potentially other outputs.

Discussion Groups

Discussion Groups gather Congress delegates who are interested in discussing, in a genuinely interactive way, certain challenging, controversial, or emerging issues and dilemmas of interest to an international or regional audience. The topics for Discussion Groups are proposed by delegates.


Workshops provide hands-on experience to delegates who are interested in learning or trying out something through active participation. They tend to be targeted at a specific type of delegate, for example, teachers (from pre-school to university), graduate students, or researchers. The workshops focus on experiences pertaining to research or teaching concerning a well-defined theme of common interest. The topics for Workshops are proposed by delegates.