Invited Lectures

The IPC identified a number of people who were invited to present an Invited Lecture as part of the Scientific Program of ICME-15. The following scholars will present an Invited Lecture at ICME-15. The titles and abstracts of their lectures will be included in the ICME-15 Mobile App.

Invited LecturerPresentation Country
Lawan AbdulhamidResponsive Mathematics Teaching: Attending to Challenges of its Implementation in Resource Constraint ContextsSouth Africa
Danielle AmourCo-constructing First Nations perspectives and Knowledges for STEMAustralia
Anna Baccaglini-FrankEnabling mathematics discourse of struggling students: How far can “exploratory” activities go?Italy
Sarah BansilalExploring the relationship between South African preservice teachers’ experience, confidence and proficiency in geometrySouth Africa
Lisa Lunney BordenUn-settling conversations on mathematics education: Enacting equity as processCanada
Arindam BoseOut of school knowledge of modes of quantification and implications for school learningIndia
Sylvia Celedon-PattichisLeveraging Bilingualism to Broaden Participation of Latinx Students in Mathematics and Computing
United States
Man Ching Esther ChanAre learning analytics and AI compatible with classroom research? Transcending the methodology warsAustralia
Narumon ChangsriThe Impact of Open Class on Teachers’ Perceived Beliefs and Practices Thailand
Maud ChanudetTeaching practices in problem solving. Collaborative research to study the processes of devolution and institutionalization.Switzerland
Theodore ChaoBuilding Community Around Mathematics StorytellingUnited States
Daniel ChazanIllustrating the importance of designing infrastructures for mathematics teaching and mathematics teacher educationUnited States
Aurélie ChesnaisLanguage and conceptual development in mathematics learning and teachingFrance
Ban Heng ChoyProductive teacher noticing: The key to unlocking responsive teaching in mathematics classrooms.Singapore
Edward DoolittleMathematics as a Spiritual BeingCanada
Michiel DoormanMeaningful, relevant and inclusive mathematics educationNetherlands
Donna FernandezAlliance of Indigenous Math Circles Strengthening IdentityUnited States
Vince GeigerThe Role of Mathematics Education in Responding to Disruptive TimesAustralia
Pedro GómezBuilding community in Mathematics EducationColombia
Katalin GosztonyiSeries and networks of problems in the teaching of discrete mathematicsHungary
Yufeng GuoWhat connections should elementary mathematics establish? Perspective on link elementary mathematics and advanced mathematicsChina
Anahí HuenchoHumanizing mathematics education through the video ethnography of indigenous cultural practices.Chile
Jodie HunterDeveloping equity in mathematics education by recognising and building on the strengths and resources of diverse communitiesNew Zealand
Naomi IngramGrowing relationships with mathematics to navigate confusion and challengeNew Zealand
Ladislav KvaszCognitive principles of genetic constructivismCzech Republic
Woong LimThe Emergence of AI Mathematics in K-12 Education: Insights from South KoreaKorea
Bożena Maj-TatsisPerspectives on young students’ mathematical reasoningPoland
Uldarico MalaspinaPhases and strategies on mathematical problem posing. Interrelations with inquiry and mathematical modeling in teacher training didactical experiencesPeru
James A. Mendoza ÁlvarezInsights on Including Tasks Linked to Teaching Secondary Mathematics in Undergraduate Mathematics CoursesUnited States
Siun nic MhuiriDialogic mathematics teaching: Exploring purposeIreland
Roger MiarkaAmidst wars, resource scarcity, and a rapidly accelerating and globalizing technology: Ethnomathematics, its 40th anniversary, and the search for an agenda responsive to contemporary challengesBrazil
Mikio MiyazakiHow can you expand your research within and beyond mathematics education?Japan
Samantha MorrisonExploring the development of South African learners’ number sense using base ten thinkingSouth Africa
Tracey MuirMaking mathematical thinking visible in primary classrooms: Moving beyond tasks, talk, and turn-takingAustralia
Oi-Lam NgFrom programming-rich to AI-literate and data-science-enhanced mathematics educationHong Kong
Keiichi NishimuraMathematical Science Education to Develop Citizens Capable of Participating in Democratic ActivitiesJapan
Samet OkumusMiddle school students’ reasoning about the volume of three-dimensional objectsTurkey
Jeongsuk PangSuccesses and Challenges of Improving Mathematics Instruction by Using Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics DiscussionsKorea
Ioannis PapadopoulosStudents’ use of “mental” and “unconventional” brackets across educational levels: An oddity or a reliable option?Greece
Hugo ParraIs research in Teacher Training addressing mathematical educational problems in vulnerable populations?Venezuela
Alon Pinto
Rethinking the disconnect between school mathematics and university mathematics 
Anita RampalDisruptive Imaginaries of Transnational Mathematics Education: Centering People and the PlanetIndia
Benjamin RottResearch on mathematical problem solving – Quo Vadis?Germany
Ángel Ruiz“An offer that cannot be refused” (The Godfather) opened a decade of Mathematical ReformCosta Rica
James RussoDeepening our understanding of how primary school teachers use games to support mathematics instructionAustralia
Luz Manuel Santos TrigoRevisiting and extending mathematical problem-solving foundations through the systematic and coordinated use of digital technologiesMexico
Annie SavardTeaching Financial Numeracy in Mathematics Classrooms: Beyond Adding MoneyCanada
Carly SawatzkiMaking mathematics the centrepiece of a modern financial educationAustralia
Nathalie SinclairTime and Mathematics EducationCanada
Alejandra SortoConstructing the Observables, Claiming the Unobservable: The Challenges of Analytic Tools in Mathematics and Statistics Education ResearchUnited States
Hassane SqualliAlgebraic Thinking: Research and Curricular PerspectivesCanada
Guangming WangChinese Experience on the Study of Intelligent Measurement of Mathematics Learning Quality of Primary and Secondary School StudentsChina
Ting Ying WangSecondary mathematics teachers’ professional noticing: A cross-cultural perspectiveChinese Taipei
Keith WeberDiagrams, justification, and proofUnited States
Stefan ZehetmeierResearching the impact of mathematics teacher professional development programmesAustria