Topic Study Group 4.2 (TSG 4.2) is dedicated to sharing and discussing research, theory and practice related to the various aspects of secondary mathematics teacher education. It aims to offer an overview of current significant trends in this area through contributions from experts in the field, with an international perspective, to enrich the discussion of directions for future research.
In discussing research studies from different countries, TSG participants will have an opportunity to learn about international perspectives and practices in relation to the education of preservice secondary mathematics teachers (PSMTs). For example, factors influencing the similarities and differences in the formal mathematics education of teachers, types of teacher education experiences, pathways to certification, and curricula for mathematics teacher education will be explored.
A possible post-congress publication on contributions presented at TSG 4.2 will be discussed during the conference.
TSG 4.2 Areas of interest
TSG 4.2 invites submissions about research that address the following and other related topics regarding preservice secondary mathematics teachers:
PSMT Knowledge
- The nature of PSMT knowledge.
- Theoretical and methodological frameworks for studying PSMT knowledge.
- The development of PSMT knowledge in the context of teacher education.
- The relationship between PSMT knowledge and their practices.
- Assessment of PSMT mathematics knowledge for teaching.
- Preparation of PSMT to teach STEM/STEAM.
- Preparation of PSMT to teach diverse learners.
PSMT Professional Beliefs and Identities
- Theoretical and methodological frameworks for studying PSMT professional identities.
- Experiences contributing to the development of PSMT professional identities during preservice education.
- Experiences contributing to the changes in PSMT professional beliefs during preservice education.
- The relationship between PSMT practicum teaching and professional identity.
- The nature and development of PSMT productive dispositions.
PSMT Field Experiences
- Models for field experiences (e.g., co-planning/co-teaching and paired placements) that best support PSMT development of effective teaching practices.
- PSMT experiences in mathematics classrooms and issues related to their school placements.
- Mechanisms that foster bidirectional relationships between partner schools and higher education institutions to support PSMTs in their field experiences.
- Experiences that PSMTs should have prior to student teaching.
- Activities to help PSMTs to become reflective practitioners during student teaching.
- Different types of field experiences required for PSMT certification.
- Best practices for preparing mentor teachers to work with PSMTs.
- Professional Learning Communities that nurture PSMTs.
Technologies, Tools and Resources
- Models for PSMT TPACK, and its development and assessment.
- Technology, tools, and resources that support PSMT learning.
- PSMT use of technology, tools, and resources.
Recruitment and Qualifications
- Qualifications and teaching standards for PSMTs, with implications for their preparation.
- Recruitment and retention of PSMTs.
How to make a submission to TSG 4.2
Submissions for Topic Study Group Papers and proposals for Posters open soon – check the Key Dates table for specific dates relating to this activity.
Contact email addresses for team Co-Chairs are provided in the TSG 4.2 downloadable PDF Description Paper should you wish to contact them with questions before you make a submission.