TSG 4.7: Affect, beliefs, and identity of mathematics teachers


Topic Study Group 4.7 (TSG 4.7) at the ICME-15 will address the themes of affect, beliefs and identity in mathematics education, with a special focus on mathematics pre-service and in-service teachers.

Relevant studies for this TSG relate to concepts such as beliefs, motivation, attitudes, emotions, values, identity, positioning, interest, flow and more. We invite research based on diverse theoretical backgrounds such as psychological, socio-cultural, and discursive frameworks. Methods of study can be quantitative, qualitative, mixed or theoretical. Research on affect-related themes is indeed traditionally rich and diverse and we hope that such diversity and richness will be a feature of TSG 4.7. The proceedings of last ICME-14 (in press) give an interesting overview of current research on the theme, presenting new and consolidated trends and sketching emerging themes. This can be considered the starting point for the work of the Topic Study Group in Sydney. 

Areas of interest

The aim of TSG 4.7 p is to create the occasion for researchers and others interested in the field of affect to share ideas, discuss results and identify promising developments. We highlight that the TSG 4.7 has its focus on teachers pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers. This includes mathematics educators at the tertiary level. Research focusing on the affective aspects of teacher-student interaction is also welcome.

Following is a (non-exhaustive) list of issues that we would like to be addressed in papers and posters submitted to TSG 4.7, and the subsequent discussions at ICME-15:

  • Theoretical and methodological issues concerning research on teachers affect, beliefs and/or identity.
  • The analysis of the mutual relationship between affective constructs.
  • The connection of affective constructs to cognition, social interaction and other constructs studied in mathematics education.
  • The design and implementation of teacher education programs for promoting aspects of affect, beliefs and/or identity.
  • The role of mathematics in research on affect (i.e., in which way research and results take into account the specificity of mathematics teaching and learning)

How to make a submission to TSG 4.7

Submissions for Topic Study Group Papers and proposals for Posters open soon – check the Key Dates table for specific dates relating to this activity.

Contact email addresses for team Co-Chairs are provided in the TSG 4.7 downloadable PDF Description Paper should you wish to contact them with questions before you make a submission.