Expression of Interest
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Fostering innovation, participation and equity
While innovations in mathematics education may support broader economic development, Australia and many other countries are also challenged in their efforts to improve rural, remote, and Indigenous student performance.
ICME-15 will create the opportunity to focus discussions around access and equity in mathematics education, and in particular making sure that children in disadvantaged communities do not miss gaining the mathematics skills that are essential for their futures.
This challenge is no greater with any group or context than with Australia’s First Peoples – our Indigenous learners and their communities. The establishment in 2015 of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA) provides a focus for effort and knowledge in this area. Having ATSIMA as a member of CoME means that sharing successes and addressing issues in Indigenous students’ learning of mathematics will be headlined at ICME-15.
The social program is an important means for face-to-face networking and enabling delegates to network and make connections is a key intention of an ICME.
We also plan to have an outreach program for the general public. Our aim will be to promote public understanding and appreciation of mathematics and statistics and their role in our lives through engaging and informative activities, talks and experiences that raise the profile of mathematics in the period leading up to ICME-15, during the week of the Congress, and well beyond.
Read about our recent activity

Indonesian Information Session

3 May 2022 International Program Committee (IPC) Meeting hard at work Sydney

14 March 2022 Pi Day
I well remember the enthusiasm shown by all those who attended ICME5 in 1984. For many of those from Australia and the wider Asia-Pacific region, this was a first-time experience of meeting many participants from Europe and the Americas, discovering a shared interest in the universal issues that keep mathematics education an active and challenging professional endeavour. Since then, worldwide collaboration has grown, thanks to the internet, but the fundamental personal interactions that characterise the learning-teaching interface exemplify the value of the face-to-face conversations that are the hallmark of gatherings of mathematics educators.
Professor John Mack
I know from my personal activities since 1984 that ICME5 increased both the amount of activity of mathematics educators in our Asia-Pacific region and their participation in regional and international meetings worldwide. I feel confident that similar great benefits will again be delivered by holding the 2024 ICME in Australia.”
German math educator wins trip to ICME-15

For German math educator and researcher Dr Ralf Erens, an email congratulating him as the winner of the draw to attend the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-15) in Sydney initially seemed too good to be true.
“Never having won anything in a lottery, I just could not believe that this was a true message,” shared Dr Erens, who works at the Institute for Mathematics Education at the University of Education in Freiburg, Germany.
“Of course, I was thrilled to learn that a trip to ICME might come true”.
It was indeed reality – Dr Erens had won the prize of free return flight and 5-star accommodation for ICME-15 this July. The prize, created by ICME-15 organisers with support from Tourism Australia, was randomly drawn from all delegates who had registered by the early-bird deadline.
As someone who has been attending international math education conferences since 2009, Dr Erens was motivated to register for ICME-15 for the opportunity to connect with colleagues from around the globe.
“Discussions and exchanges with maths education researchers from all over the world have been the cherry on top of the cake in my job,” he said.
“The topics related to my field of research – multiple aspects of affect in math education – are of special interest to me. Additionally, the variety of plenaries and invited lectures are a great teaser to attend an ICME conference again.”
A first-time visitor to Australia, Dr Erens is eager to experience Sydney during his conference trip.
“As a destination for attending a conference, Sydney is – naturally – most attractive for someone from Europe,” he said.
“I have never been to Australia, and I am very much looking forward to seeing a bit of Sydney in the evenings and on the excursion day.”
Dr Erens also anticipates reuniting with fellow members of the research group MAVI, especially those from the Mathematics Education Research Group Australia (MERGA) community and connecting with new colleagues.
ICME-15 organisers are excited to welcome him and other global attendees for an engaging and productive conference experience.