The Legacy of ICME-15

Congress Aspirations

The organisers of ICME-15 have identified several key aspirations to ensure ICME-15 is a Congress that achieves local, regional, and global legacies, some of which are explored below.

Achieving these aspirations is also in the hands of the delegates at ICME-15. Papers and posters submitted to TSGs might highlight work that is relevant to one or more of the aspirations, and delegates also have the opportunity to propose Discussion Groups and Workshops. The International Program Committee is hopeful that some delegate submissions and proposals will also address these aspirations.

ICME-15 will:

Be accessible to delegates from developing countries

The ICME-15 Solidarity Fund will provide 10% of all registrations as grants to delegates from eligible countries. In addition, the Local Organizing Committee has secured additional funding from the New South Wales government to supplement the Solidarity Fund. The Congress venue is located near a wide range of accommodation options that will suit any budget.

Explore how Indigenous mathematics informs global efforts in mathematics education

This will be a direct focus in Plenary Panel 2, Survey 2, TSG 2.5, TSG 2.4, the National Presentation for Aotearoa/New Zealand National Presentation. In addition, the Australian presence will include a contribution from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance (ATSIMA). Excursion options available on the Excursion Day include cultural tours conducted by a local Aboriginal organization and learning about Australian Indigenous navigation, led by the Australian Maritime Museum.

Support the emergence of a new generation of Australian mathematics educators

Early- and mid- career academics have been recruited to leadership roles in many TSGs and other activities of the Scientific Program. Australian teachers who attend ICME-15 will connect with people from across the globe, explore new ideas, and in turn be inspired to further their interest and engagement in mathematics education. Volunteering to assist with practical aspects of ICME-15 will not be restricted to early- and mid- career mathematics educators, and it is expected that many will take the opportunity to assist the Local Organizing Committee in making ICME-15 a memorable experience.

Include a focus on undergraduate teaching of mathematics and statistics

Topic Study Group TSG 3.2 is directly related to this level of education. Many of the TSGs that relate to the teaching and learning of mathematical content such as TSG 1.3, TSGs 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 & 1.10 will feature contributions from people involved in undergraduate teaching, as will others that relate to more general issues in mathematics education across the levels, including TSG 3.8, TSG 3.16, TSG 5.3 & TSG 5.7.

Address geographic disadvantage in relation to mathematics teaching and learning

Geographic disadvantage is a key theme of TSG 2.6 and TSG 5.5, and an intersecting theme of other TSGs, especially those that relate to Indigenous learners (TSG 2.5 & 2.4) and use of e-learning and technology (TSG 3.7, TSG 3.8 & TSG 3.17). The National Presentation for Aotearoa/New Zealand National Presentation will also highlight issues of, and responses to, geographic disadvantage in the region.

Have an impact in classrooms, and respects and engages teachers

Several of the TSG teams include practicing classroom teachers, and that we will be making efforts to facilitate the attendance of as many teachers as possible e.g., held in school holidays in Australia, seeking support from local education systems.

The organizers are facilitating the attendance of as many teachers as possible by holding the Congress in the Australian mid-year school vacation. Local education systems that employ teachers, and schools themselves are being encouraged to support their staff to attend. A range of strategies, including having teachers as members of several the TSG teams and through the guidelines and advice about the conduct of TSGs will help ensure that classroom perspectives are a key part of the deliberations.

Facilitate and support people-to-people connections

There will be numerous opportunities available during ICME-15 to help delegates connect in an authentic and meaningful way. The Scientific Program includes several interactive, relevant, and dynamic activities that will facilitate discussion and sharing of ideas, as well as a variety of hands-on demonstrations and presentations. An innovation of ICME-15 is the Early Career Research Program, a week-long series of activities that expands upon the Early Career Researcher Day conducted during ICME-13 and ICME-14.

In addition to the ICME-15 Welcome Reception, Opening Ceremony, and Closing Ceremony, daily morning and afternoon teas, and Excursion Day, other special networking opportunities will be available to specific groups including first-time ICME delegates, and teachers. Rooms will also be available periodically during the Congress to enable delegates to run their own informal meetings.

The Official ICME-15 Congress app will also include some features that will make it easy to connect with other delegates.

Include opportunities for public engagement in mathematics

A program of engaging mathematical activities is currently under development. This will run alongside the ICME-15 Congress to the benefit of delegates and the general public.