Come and be counted in Sydney, 7-14 July 2024
The International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) is the largest international conference on mathematics education and is a global meeting point for mathematics educators. Organised under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), ICME congresses are held every four years.
The 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME-15) will be held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Sydney, Australia, from 7 – 14 July 2024. It will be the first time in 8 years that the international mathematics education community will be able to come together in person.
Australia has a substantial core of mathematics educators with extensive experience in delivering and participating in international meetings. These educators truly understand ICMI and its members, as well as the aims of ICME and its scientific program.
ICME-15 will offer delegates an innovative Congress that builds on the well-established ICME program. Headlined by a blend of established and emerging thought leaders from around the world, the emphasis of the Congress is on sharing and discussion among delegates. ICME-15 will also include an interactive, relevant, and dynamic exhibition with hands-on demonstrations and presentations.
ICME-15 delegates will enjoy contemporary meeting spaces and technologies that facilitate enhanced networking capability. Delegates will enjoy a seamless and hassle-free visitor experience in Sydney, a destination that consistently ranks as one of the world’s most desirable cities in which to live and work.
Come and be counted among 3,000 established and emerging thought leaders in mathematics education from all over the world: join us in Sydney for ICME-15, 7-14 July 2024.

Who should attend ICME-15?
ICME-15 is for everyone involved in mathematics education – mathematicians, researchers, teachers at all levels, teacher educators, administrators, curriculum developers, and resource producers. Connected by a shared passion for mathematics and statistics education, this event will bring together colleagues from more than 100 countries around the world.
This will be only the second time the Congress has been held in the southern hemisphere, the other being in Adelaide in 1984. As such, ICME-15 is a particular opportunity for those in the Asia-Pacific region to connect with the global mathematics education community.
ICME-15 is an in-person event and will be conducted in English to ensure all delegates enjoy a rich and fulfilling Congress. There are no plans to provide synchronous online access to the program.
The Congress program has been designed to promote balanced participation from teachers and academics from all over the world. Funding is available to support delegates travelling to ICME-15 from less-affluent countries, which can be reviewed on page 40 of this Announcement. The costs of all activities of the ICME-15 program, including Excursion Day, are included in the registration fee.
The Congress location, ICC Sydney, has been chosen specifically for ICME-15 for its equitable and step-free access, and the accessibility features incorporated into the overall design. In addition, most of Sydney’s public transport services are accessible, and support the use of mobility aids, ensuring a stress-free journey to the Congress venue.
ICME-15 is also environmentally friendly. The professional conference organizer, Arinex, is the first Australian event management company to gain carbon neutral certification, whilst the Congress venue is situated in the first precinct in the world to be awarded the highest accolade of 6 stars under the Green Building of Australia’s Green Star Communities certification. In addition, Australia is one of 80 countries voluntarily participating in the CORSIA scheme, and Australian airlines offer green ticket options and the ability to fly carbon neutral, empowering delegates to minimize the environmental impact of their Congress travel.
About the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
ICME Congresses are held under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). Devoted to the development of mathematical education at all levels, ICMI is a commission of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organisation whose purpose is to promote international cooperation in mathematics.
Founded at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rome, 1908 with the initial mandate of analysing the similarities and differences in the secondary school teaching of mathematics among various countries, ICMI has considerably expanded its objectives and activities in the years since.
ICMI offers a forum to promote reflection, collaboration and the exchange and dissemination of ideas on the teaching and learning of mathematics from primary to university level. ICMI works to stimulate the creation, improvement and dissemination of recent research findings and of the available resources for instruction (e.g., curricular materials, pedagogical methods, the appropriate use of technology, etc.).
The Commission aims to facilitate the spread and understanding of information on all aspects of the theory and practice of contemporary mathematical education from an international perspective. ICMI has the additional objective of providing a link between educational researchers, curriculum designers, educational policy makers, teachers of mathematics, mathematicians, mathematics educators and others interested in mathematical education around the world.
ICMI takes initiative in inaugurating appropriate activities, publications and other programs designed to further the development of mathematical education and to improve the public appreciation of mathematics. It is also charged with the conduct of IMU’s activities on mathematical or scientific education. In the pursuit of its objectives, ICMI cooperates with various thematic and regional groups formed within or outside its own structure.
Among international organisations devoted to mathematics education, ICMI is distinctive because of its close ties with the professional communities of mathematicians and mathematical educators as well as its
breadth thematic, cultural and regional.
About the International Congress on Mathematical Education
A major responsibility of ICMI is to plan for the quadrennial International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME), held under the auspices of ICMI. The ICMI Executive Committee (EC) chooses the hosting country, appoints an International Program Committee (IPC) to form the scientific program and select presenters, and oversees the progress of the Congress preparations.
The IPC works independently from ICMI, but the ICMI President and ICMI Secretary-General are ex officio members of the IPC. The practical and financial organisation of an ICME is the independent responsibility of a Local Organising Committee (LOC), again under the observation of general ICMI guidelines. The ICME Chair or the Convenor chairs the IPC, and the head of the LOC participates in the IPC meetings.
The aim of the Congress is to present the current states and trends in mathematics education research and in the practice of mathematics teaching at all levels. It also aims to facilitate the spread and understanding of information on all aspects of the theory and practice of contemporary mathematical education from an international perspective. ICMI has the additional objective of providing a link between educational researchers, curriculum designers, educational policy makers, teachers of mathematics, mathematicians, mathematics educators and others interested in mathematical education around the world.
The Congress will gather a broad spectrum of participants, such as researchers in mathematics education, teacher trainers, practicing teachers, mathematicians, and others interested in mathematics education.
The series of ICMEs was launched at the initiative of ICMI President Hans Freudenthal, with the first Congress in Lyon, France. ICME is held every four years, with the most recent, ICME-14, being held in Shanghai in 2021 (delayed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic).