Topic Study Groups


Topic Study Groups (TSGs) are a unique opportunity to collaboratively explore classic and contemporary topics relevant to mathematics education through the submission of papers, session-based discussions, and report synthesis.

The IPC chooses the topics for TSGs and appoints teams of five people to manage to each TSG. Each team is supported by an IPC member who acts as liaison between the team and the IPC.

TSG teams develop a Description Paper that outline the focus of their TSG which is released in advance of the Congress. Submissions for papers and proposals for posters that address the issues identified in the Description Paper can then prepared and submitted by Congress delegates.

The TSG teams will assess the submissions and develop a program for the sessions of the TSG at ICME-15.

ICME-15 Topic Study Groups

After much deliberation the IPC has identified the 54 TSGs for ICME-15. These will be run as two separate strands, which allow Congress delegates to contribute to two TSGs: one from Strand A, and one from Strand B.

The topics for Topic Study Groups at ICME-15 are:

Strand AStrand B
1.1: Teaching and learning of number and arithmetic1.2: Teaching and learning of early algebra
1.3: Teaching and learning of algebra at secondary and tertiary levels1.4: Teaching and learning of geometry
1.5: Teaching and learning of measurement1.6: Teaching and learning of probability
1.7: Teaching and learning of statistics1.8: Teaching and learning of calculus
1.9: Teaching and learning of computational thinking1.10: Teaching and learning of discrete mathematics
2.1: Mathematics education for students with special learning needs2.3: Mathematics and creativity; mathematical competitions; mathematical challenge
2.2: Research on mathematical promise and giftedness2.5: Ethnomathematics and First Nations/Indigenous people’s mathematics and mathematics education
2.4: Culture, language and ethnicity in mathematics education2.6: Mathematics education in under-resourced contexts
3.2: Mathematics education at tertiary level3.1: Mathematics education at early childhood and primary level
3.3: Problem posing and solving in mathematics education3.4: Mathematical applications and modelling in mathematics education
3.5: Visualization and embodiment in mathematics education3.6: Reasoning, argumentation and proof in mathematics education
3.7: The role and the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics at primary and lower secondary levels3.9: Research on mathematics classroom practice at primary level
3.8: The role and the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics at upper secondary and tertiary level3.10: Research on mathematics classroom practice at secondary level
3.11: Task design and analysis3.12: Research and development on textbooks and resources for learning and teaching mathematics
3.14: Research and development in assessment in mathematics education3.13: Language and communication in the mathematics classroom
3.16: Mathematics and interdisciplinary education/STEM education3.15: Research and development in testing (national and international) in mathematics education
3.17: E-teaching and learning/blended teaching and learning3.18: Data science teaching and learning
4.1: Preservice mathematics teacher education for the early childhood/primary level4.2: Preservice mathematics teacher education for the secondary level
4.4: In-service mathematics teacher education and mathematics teacher professional development for secondary level4.3: In-service mathematics teacher education and mathematics teacher professional development for primary level
4.5: Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at primary level4.6: Knowledge in/for teaching mathematics at secondary level
5.1: Students identity, motivation and attitudes towards mathematics and its study4.7: Affect, beliefs, and identity of mathematics teachers
5.2: Mathematical literacy4.8: Knowledge and practice of mathematics teacher educators
5.3: Cognition, learning sciences, and neurosciences in mathematics education5.5: Social and political dimensions of mathematics education
5.4: The role of the history of mathematics in mathematics education5.6: Research and development on mathematics curriculum
5.8: Philosophy of mathematics and mathematics education5.7: Mathematics education in and for work; lifelong mathematics education including adult education
5.10: Methods and methodologies in mathematics education research5.9: Theories in mathematics education
5.11: International cooperation in mathematics education5.12: Popularization of mathematics
ICME-15 Topic Study Group list

Papers and posters submitted to TSGs

Many people from around the world submitted papers and proposals for posters for consideration for inclusion in a TSG. The organisers of ICME-15 express their thanks to all authors for their interest in ICME-15.

Reviews have been completed and authors are progressively receiving their notifications and further instructions.

Authors will need to ensure the final version of their paper or poster is uploaded through the portal by the due date (see the List of Key Dates above).

Papers and posters will be included in the program of the Topic Study Group (TSG) to which they were submitted. How consideration of each paper and poster is included in that program will be up to the TSG team. They have control of the program for the sessions of the TSG.

The team, through the Co-chairs may invite authors to make a short presentation of the key points covered by the paper or poster; or they may program a presentation that draws on a number of papers and posters on a similar topic and ask authors to respond to specific questions or comments; or they may have other innovative ways of including consideration of the papers and posters.

Authors TSG teams can access submissions on the portal at any time by clicking the button below

Templates and Guidelines

Authors can download the relevant template as per your notification from the Secretariat. Only use the 8-page template if you have been invited to extend your paper to this length.

Registration of authors

All those designated as presenting authors of papers and posters included in the program of a TSG are required to register and pay for the Congress. Authors who have not yet registered, please click here to register and complete the delegate registration form and payment. Failure to register by Sunday 31 March 2024 will result in paper or poster being removed from the program.

The TSG sessions at ICME-15

The programs for the four sessions (total 5 hours) of each TSG at ICME-15 will be part of the full Congress Program. This will be made available to delegates in the Congress mobile app and on the website.

TSG Publications

As an initiative at ICME-15, authors of all TSG papers and posters have been invited to have their work included in a collated published set of TSG proceedings. The published proceedings of papers and posters will be open access, have an ISBN, and be downloadable as a pdf. Copyright of material in these proceedings will be retained with individual authors.

TSG teams and authors are also encouraged to consider publication through other outlets either collectively or individually.